Today started early as I was to preach at a local church at 8 a.m. Alexis and I shared about "Barnabas, Son of Encouragement" to the approximately 100 persons present.
The music was very familiar, loud and of course in Spanish. Ribbon and tambourine dancers added to the colorful display of worship. Little children also tried to copy the adult dancers, training already for the future.
The service lasted until noon as so many people came forward for prayer. One by one, couples and sometimes small families came for prayer.
A young woman was hurting as she was declared healed last year of a problem where she couldn't maintain protein in her body. This 14 year old girl now felt angry that she was having the same problem. Her medicine makes her gain weight and feel very tired, and sadly the doctors say she is not allowed to exercise. She noted, "Didn't God heal me, why is it coming back?" How would you answer her? The question is real, her pain is real.
My constant prayer is for God's wisdom when encouraging children, teens and adults in this worldwide ministry of trauma work.
After the church service we went for one more Paraguayan Barbecue, and a time of fellowship with Alexis and his family and the pastor's family from the church.
A two hour nap gave me energy to then meet up with Dr. Lourdes and Belen her daughter. We debriefed on the trip and then talked of future ministry in Paraguay. Belen, a psychologist would also like to have a two month rotation of an internship in Hawaii, along with a number of other Paraguayan psychiatrists and psychologists.
This has been a very busy and productive trip. Helping to give hope to the hopeless. Helping to remove the barriers of trauma so that persons can hear the Gospel, and for believers to more fully serve God. Thank you for all your support and prayers!
Now begins about a 20 hour trip back to Hawaii and my Family.